The United States offers the possibility of obtaining permanent residency by virtue of making an investment in job-creating businesses. The initial immigration approval provides for conditional, two-year resident status to qualifying investors and their families who invest a minimum of $500,000 in businesses that create at least ten full-time permanent jobs for American workers in high unemployment locations. Otherwise, the required investment is at least US $1 million
NOTE: As of November 21, 2019, the reduced investment of $500,00 will increase to $900,000 and the regular amount of $1 million will increase to $1.8 million.
After two years, if the investment and job-creation requirements of the program are reasonably met, the investor can apply to remove conditional status and gain permanent residency. Following the enactment of the EB-5 program, the Regional Center Pilot Program was implemented. This allowed for indirect job creation to be counted as part of the minimum of ten jobs per investor. In recent years, due to the U.S. economic recession and lack of credit in the banking and financial institutions, EB-5 has become a positive factor for the funding of projects that create US jobs. Especially in the last few years, the use of EB-5 has increased dramatically, with thousands of foreign investors seeking to obtain lawful permanent residence via the program.